I’ll Take Out The Trash

So, our power went out, because it’s Dallas, and we lost all of the food in our deep freeze. Lots of slowly defrosting foods.

Virginia decided to let everything refreeze and toss it closer to trash pickup day, which made sense, because it’s hot in Texas and we have rats, raccoons and Lord knows what else around the neighborhood.

The day before trash pickup, she started loading up the trash bags. I told her to wait until I got home from work, and I would do it. Being a normal person, I was going to roll the trash can up to the freezer and load it up.

She couldn’t wait.

So, she ruptured her bicep tendon and a bunch of other stuff in her shoulder.

Later, she finally had surgery to repair it, and managed to strain her other shoulder during the healing period.

Then, she strained her back trying to survive with two partial arms.